Our opening hours are detailed below.  If you would like to visit us to see our facilities you can call us to make an appointment during our opening hours.  These are also the opening hours for our shop, the Pet's Pantry, and for dropping off and picking up your dogs.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 08:00-10:00 & 16:00-18:00
Saturday 08:00-10:00 & 16:00-17:00
Sunday April to October 09:00-09:30 & 16:00-18:00 strictly
Sunday October to April 16:00 – 18:00 only


Please note that collection / drop off at other times may incur additional charges. We will try to meet any special needs BUT we cannot guarantee to do so, especially at weekends. 

Please see our newsletter for the latest information about opening hours at Bank Holidays.